Where are you now - Kapitel 215

”I broke up with him nearly two weeks before I got in the coma.” hörde jag mig själv säga och såg hur Ellen spärrade upp ögonen. Det blev knäpptyst runtom scenen och det var först då jag insåg vad jag hade sagt. Jag hade precis berättat för alla att jag dumpat Justin, och att han var rädd att jag skulle göra det igen.
”I’m sorry, what?” frågade Ellen oförstående medan hon stirrade på mig med sina stora ögon. Justin’s grepp hårdnade lite om mig, ännu en handling som jag var säker på att han inte ens tänkte på själv.
”Whatever, you all were gonna find out soon enough anyway. One and a half week before I got in the coma I broke up with Justin. Take it easy Ellen, I will explain. The day I got hit by one of Justin’s fans was a terrible day. Not from the start, it was amazing. We pranked Justin on his concert and we all had so much fun. Then we went to McDonalds and everything changed. Last time I was here I said that I will never be the one who forces Justin to choose between me and his fans. The Beliebers means the world to Justin, no one can ever tell different. Anyway, the girl who hit me told me that I was changing Justin. I knew he had changed, but in my eyes it was for the good and not for the bad. I started thinking and realized that I was changing him, and I was also keeping him from the amazing career he deserved. He was losing fans because of me and I considered leaving him for real. The next day I woke up with blood all over my face. I washed it off me as soon as I could, I didn’t want to cause Justin that pain. When I was in the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror, I knew that he would never believe my words if I told him it was the best for both of us, so I did something I normally suck on. I lied. I figured out that the only chance I have for making him believe my words was to lie to him, and lie to him strongly, as much as it hurt him. I’m not proud of what I said to him, but I left the hotel room and got on the flight home to Atlanta again. I didn’t leave the house for one and a half week, not until Caitlin came over and seriously dragged me out of the house. When we were at the mall Justin surprised me by showing up there. I actually thought he was still in LA. I saw the pain in his eyes and his fake smile. I started to understand what I’d done and I started to regret my choice. That night I went out of the house and down to the beach. I broke down there, and then I got in the coma.” Berättade jag försiktigt och lugnt. Jag ville inte ge någon en hjärtattack, det hade jag redan fått så manga själv.
”Caitlin actually told me that she was in a coma after two weeks, so I didn’t know at first. I was just so mad at her and so hurt that I had turned off my phone. When she told me everthing I took the flight to Atlanta as fast as I could and got to the hospital the next day. That was a sight I will never forget, and I hope I’ll never have to handle that again.” Fortsatte Justin min förklaring. Hans tag om mig tätnade ytterligare och jag lutade mig mot honom.
”So you mean that everytime you cried to a song under a concert, it was because Dezzie left you?” frågade Ellen förbryllat och jag sneglade på Justin i ögonvrån. Han suckade och nickade.
”Yes. The thing is, I was hurt, more than ever, but I thought it was so weird. It wasn’t like her to say stuff like that. Then Caitlin got really pissed at me because apparently I wasn’t clever enough to understand that Dezzie lied to me to protect me. So she told me everything and I realized what a fool I had been, believing her lies just like that.” Svarade han och jag nickade diskret.
“So, you left him just to protect him?” frågade Ellen för att klargöra allting. Jag nickade instämmande.
”Yes. I left him, because I thought I was protecting him. Then I realized that the only thing I did was hurting people.” Svarade jag och Ellen nickade. Hon fick ett bekymrat uttryck i ansiktet medan hon granskade mig ingående.
”Okay, Dezzie. If you ever come up with that stupid idea of leaving Justin again, which I seriously hope that you don’t because you’re like the cutest couple of the year… Every year… But if you do, can you at least promise me, and the rest of the world, that you leave him because you don’t love him anymore, and not because of everyone else?” frågade Ellen och jag begrundade hennes ord. Hon sträckte prövande fram handen mot mig och jag tog den försiktigt.
”Deal! I promise you, Justin and everyone else, that if that day come when I break up with Justin, it will be because of my feelings and not because of someone else. Svarade jag och Ellen nickade stolt mot mig.
“Good. And your promise has millions of witnesses around the world, so you can’t deny what you just said.” Flinade hon och jag skrockade lågt. Nu var hon vanliga Ellen igen.
”So, end of disgussion. A beautiful young lady are going to perform for us. Welcome out Selena Gomez!” ropade Ellen och ljuset på scenen slocknade lite. En bit bort kom Sel ut på scenen och log diskret mot mig innan hon vände blicken ut mot publiken istället. Introt satte igång och jag lyssnade på hennes underbara röst när hon satte igång och sjöng.
I wouldn't wanna be anybody else, hey
You made me insecure, to me I wasn't good enough
But who are you to judge
When you're a diamond in the rough
I'm sure you got some things
You'd like to change about yourself
But when it comes to me
I wouldn't want to be anybody else
I'm no beauty queen, I'm just beautiful me
You got every right to a beautiful life, come on
Who says,
who says you're not perfect
Who says you're not worth it
Who says you're the only one that's hurting
Trust me that's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty
Who says you're not beautiful,
who says?
It's such a funny thing
How nothing's funny when it's you
You tell 'em what you mean
But they keep whitin' out the the truth
It's like the work of art
That never get to see the light
Keep you beneath the stars
Won't let you touch the sky
I'm no beauty queen, I'm just beautiful me
You got every right to a beautiful life, come on
Who says,
who says you're not perfect
Who says you're not worth it
Who says you're the only one that's hurting
Trust me that's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty
Who says you're not beautiful,
who says?
Who says you're not star potential
Who says you're not presidential
Who says you can't be in movies
Listen to me, listen to me
Who says you don't pass the test
Who says you can't be the best
Who said, who said?
Would you tell me who said that, yeah
Who said
Who says, who says you're not perfect
Who says you're not worth it
Who says you're the only one that's hurting
Trust me that's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty
Who says you're not beautiful,
who says?
Who says you're not perfect
Who says you're not worth it
Who says you're the only one that's hurting
Trust me that's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty
Who says you're not beautiful,
who says?
Selena avslutade de sista tonerna innan hon vinkade när applåderna ven genom rummet. Jag log glatt mot henne när hon kom gående mot mig, Justin och Ellen.
”Thank you!” sa jag glatt när jag kramade om henne. Hon besvarade kramen innan hon hälsade på Justin och Ellen också. Sen satte hon sig i soffan som fortfarande stod bredvid min fåtölj, där Justin satt med mig i knät.
”Well, we have one more wonderful girl who is going to perform, and I think we’ll let her do that before we talk to you Selena.” Sa Ellen och vi vände oss mot scenen, där Jasmine nu stod och flinade mot oss. Hon kom fram till mig medan introt spelade och tog tag i min hand. Förvånat följde jag med henne till scenen där en stol väntade på mig. När jag satt mig ner så började hon sjunga och jag trodde jag skulle kvävas av skratt. Hon hade gjort om sin egen låt.
She’s such a cool girl
She’s such a cool girl
You may look at her
and think she’s conceited, but she’s really not,
She can't help it if she’s super sassy
and she’s superhot.
People think she’s stuck-up when they meet her,
she get that a lot,
but she just can't sweat it,
just can't let knock her off her socks
If you get to know her, she is super cool,
If you get on her team she’ll be there for you,
You should meet her circle, anything for you,
If you look out for her, she'll look out for you,
You shouldn't judge her, get to know her first,
And then you will see she’s such a cool girl,
she know she can't see, she’s in her own world,
That doesn't change her, she’s still a cool girl
And next time that you see her, you can speak to her,
'cause she’s not hollywood,
Even though she’s good, okay, but she can go back to her hood,
Never think she’s better than anyone, so the next time you see her don't judge her
If you get to know her, she is super cool,
If you get on her team she'll be there for you,
You should meet her circle, anything for you,
If you look out for her, she'll look out for you,
You shouldn't judge her, get to know her first,
And then you will see she’s such a cool girl,
she know she can't see, she’s in her own world,
That doesn't change her, she’s still a cool girl
You shouldn't judge her, get to know her first,
And then you will see she’s such a cool girl,
she know she can't see, she’s in her own world,
That doesn't change her, she’s still a cool girl
You shouldn't judge her, get to know her first,
And then you will see she’s such a cool girl,
she know she can't see, she’s in her own world,
That doesn't change her, she’s still a cool girl
You shouldn't judge her, get to know her first,
And then you will see she’s such a cool girl,
she know she can't see, she’s in her own world,
That doesn't change her, she’s still a cool girl
She’s still a cool girl, yeah
She’s such a cool girl (cool girl)
She’s such a cool girl
Cool girl
När hon avslutade låten kramade hon mig hårt, men jag kunde inte sluta skratta. Hon var alltför söt.
“Okay, I’m serious people! Don’t judge her before you know her! Dezzie is an amazing person with a terrible singing voice.” Sa Jasmine i mikrofonen och det fick mig bara att skratta ännu mera.
”She’s not joking at all!” tillade jag medan jag höll en arm runt Jasmine. Hon var verkligen en av mina bästa vänner någonsin och jag var glad över att jag hade henne vid min sida.
”Well, that’s too bad for you, because you are going to sing with me.” hörde jag en röst jag kände igen säga. Jag slängde en blick över axeln för att försöka lokalisera var hon var någonstans men hon var inte bakom mig. När jag tittade fram igen så såg jag hur hon kom nerför översta raden från publiken. Katy Perry kom emot mig med sitt varma leende på läpparna, och hon såg lika fantastisk ut som alltid.
Oj oj... Ska Dezzie sjunga?
Med Katy Perry till och med...
Haha det kan ju bli en syn ^^
Inte många timmar kvar nu innan första tävlingen är avslutad luvies, men jag kan ju påpeka att det här knappast är den sista.
Jag behöver ju folk att fylla nästa novell mer också ;)
Anyways, innan 00.00 inatt ska ditt tävlingsmejl vara inne, annars räknar jag inte med det när jag överlägger :)
VA? Jag trodde du var typ femton år eller fjorton, haha inte för att vara taskig men jag trodde inte du var över 18 :O? Svara jättegärna på det här för jag undrar hur gammal du är? :)
Det första jag gjorde när jag fyllde 18 var att ta bort min pappas efternamn 'Granström' hehe, reagerade på det där menade jag :)
Haha nej jag är varken fjorton eller femton längre ^^
Jag är 18 :) Fyller 19 i maj :)
Och ja, jag tog bort min fars efternamn då :)
Kram <3
AWWWW! :') VILKEN SÖT BILD! :D HAHA DU SKREV " JUSTIN NU";D varför använder du ditt mellan namn när du pratar om dig själv? :D <-------- nyfiken haha :-P
Hej Ronja ;)
Tack så mycket ^^
Jag heter Ida Madelene Morén, men det är Madelene som är mitt tilltalsnamn. Det har det alltid varit. Ida är mitt mellannamn, men dem ligger bara i fel ordning ^^
Ehm... Varför får du nog fråga min mamma xD Haha nej men jag heter Madelene trots att det ser ut som om det är mitt mellannamn :)
Kram <3
Har ni några fler frågor?
Kommentera här
Mejla; [email protected] (<-- dit ska även alla tävlingsbidrag!)
Tweeta; @Ditidinanayo
Facebook; Madelene Morén (det finns en hel del olika användare (alla är mina) så om du är osäker på vilken de är, adda alla ^^
Smsa; jag finns alltid tillgänglig på sms :) 076-0506012 :) jag har comviq samt iPhone (beroende på vad ni har då :P) :)
Love you all <3

Oj, stackars Justin :/ Det kan inte ha varit lätt att höra, även fast att han kanske vet att det är så... Men ändå :/ <3
Eftersom hon inte ska lämna honom om hon inte slutar älska honom, så betyder det att dom kommer vara tillsammans FÖR ALLTID!!!!!! :D <3
Vad äre för låt Jasmine sjöng? O.o
Gooood luck Dezzie! ^^ xD <3
Grymt bra!
Hahaha jätte bra ;-)
DU SVARADE MIG! xD då är det likadant för dig som för min bror, ni båda tilltalas med erat mellannamn men på papper blir det fel xD awesome som vanligt x)
Grymt bra <33 Typ dog, riktigt kul =))
...jag ska skicka ett sms till dig för att se om du svarar... xD hihi
Omfbc! Sjukt bra! :o
OMFB!! OM HON KOMMER SKÄMMAS ÖVER ATT SJUNGA, GISSA VAD JAG KOMMER GÖRA DÅ....<33 man kan säga att jag lever mig in i novellen;)